Season 1 Episode 1 - The Rabbit Hole

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LMAB S1E1 Cover. A simplistic lineless drawing of Allison falling down (presumably from some sort of hole). In the bottom of the canvas, there's Bletchley Park. [November 28, 1939 - Bletchley, England] Allison and Isabelle walk through the woods with their satchels. Allison seems to be thinking, and Isabelle gets her to 'come back to reality'. Then they start talking. The dialogue goes: [Isabelle]: Allison? Allison! Is everything alright? [Allison]: I'm fine, Isabelle. I just miss my father. I'm wondering what he does at, well, work. Wartime work. He refuses to tell me anything about it other than how 'secret and important' it is. Allison is nearby a wall, with sigma, viewed from the back. She's looking at Ernie, who's a bit further away, writing into his notebook. Ernie is writing into his notebook. The thing he wrote, with the cut off words completed is: 'Bletchley Park: Nothing to strange, other than having guards in front of the gates. Most likely just your average military base.'

In the next panel, there's Allison behind Ernie's back. She says 'Ernie?' Ernie and Allison are having a conversation. Ernie: 'Oh hi Ally! What have you been up to?' Allison: 'Uh... I was going to your house to ask about something. What about you?' Ernie: 'Me? I'm looking around the town, noting down anything unusual. It's for dad. He thinks that there's been some super secret crazy thing going on here. And the most unusual thing I noticed so far is that there are military guards in front of Bletchley Park. And that's it.' Comic page. Ernie and Allison are talking. Ernie: 'Nothing to worry about. It's probably just your average military base. It's wartime, after all. Oh, you were going to ask about something! I'm so sorry, I got distracted. Go ahead and ask!' Allison: 'I... I think I found the answer! Thank you, Ernie!'

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