Little Miss Allison Blue is a historical drama webcomic set in a fantasy universe known as the Codingverse. It follows the adventures of Allison Blue, a 9-year-old British girl who has to live in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford during World War II, with her father now being home only on Sundays due to his "secret and important" wartime job. Allison, being a curious kid, decides to find out what her father is doing for the war effort, and does so successfully: he is a codebreaker in Bletchley Park. Maybe he and his colleagues could use a little bit of help from her, even though they aren't even aware of the fact that she knows what's actually going on in there?
LMAB started on November 16, 2021, on Webtoon, and later got uploaded to 5 other platforms as well, those being Tapas, GlobalComix, Inkverse, ComicFury, and NamiComi. The comic was officially 'paused' for a reboot in August 3, 2024, and the reboot started on November 16, 2024, the comic's third anniversary (although it had an early, soft launch on Inkverse the day before for the Inkverse book club). I also uploaded the comic to Drunk Duck on the day of the reboot launch.